This thread provides a list of changes to the Employee Handbook.
Updated Attendance Policy (On-Site Employees). Formally added the "unexcused absence" designation. Employees who do not find a replacement for their shift and cannot provide a note from a medical professional will receive the unexcused absence designation. This was previously implied.
Updated Attendance Policy (On-Site Employees). Clarified the "No Call, No Show" designation. No Call, No Shows occur when an employee fails to show up for their shift, does not provide four (4) hours' notice of their expected absence, and is not experiencing a medical emergency.
Updated Attendance Policy (On-Site Employees). Employees can contact team members of equal or greater position. Previous language only allowed for equal positions.
Updated Time Policy (Sick Leave). Specified the asymptomatic time of 14 days in Virginia code 2VAC5-585-100.
Updated Time Policy (Sick Leave). Specified that sick employees are still subject to the Attendance and Shift Swap and Substitutes policies. This was previously implied.
Updated Time Policy (Extended Leave). New policy that provides job protection for extended absences up to 30 days.
Updated Benefits and Perks (Quarterly Raises). Updated policy to match the 2024 New Employee Wage scale.
Updated Benefits and Perks (Merit Increases). Added merit increases to the handbook. This was previously mentioned under Performance Management in the Compensation and Development section.
Updated Benefits and Perks Section (Free Ice Cream). Team members can take home ice cream with up to 2 add-ins.
Updated Workplace Policies Section (Emergency Management). Includes procedures for robberies and active shooters.